
Consulate General of Japan in Honolulu

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 今般、米国務省より、内国歳入庁(Internal Revenue Service :IRS)の職員を騙る詐欺事件が多発しているとして注意喚起がありましたので、被害に遭わないよう十分ご注意下さい。

国務省によれば、IRS職員になりすました犯人が電話を掛けて来、IRS職員番号(budge number)やあなたのソーシャル・セキュリティー・ナンバーの下4桁を伝える等によってIRS 職員であると信じ込ませようとしたうえで、『あなたには未納分の税金があるので、プリペイド・デビットカード/クレジットカードまたは電信送金(wire transfer)によって直ぐに支払うように』と支払いを促し、個人のクレジットカード番号を聞き出そうとしたり、送金させようとするものです。

あなたに未納の税金があっても、IRSからの支払督促は文書(郵便)で行われることになっており、いかなる場合にもIRS から電話やEメールでの支払い督促や、クレジットカード番号を尋ねたりすることはありませんので、万が一不審な電話があった場合は、絶対にクレジット番号等を相手に伝えたりせず、次のように対処して下さい。

対 処
IRS   電話番号:1-800-829-1040

Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
FTCのwebsite(www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov) にアクセスし、「IRS telephone scamに関する情報である」と明記してメールで通報して下さい。

★IRS 職員を騙る者からと思われる不審メールがあった場合、返信したり、添付ファイルを
開けたりせず、そのメールを以下のIRSメールアドレス に転送して下さい。



          U.S. law enforcement authorities, including the Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, are aware of this scam, in which individuals fraudulently claim to be employees of the Internal Revenue Services(IRS). The following information is reported on the IRS’s website, IRS.gov:

          About the Phone Scam
In this scam, the caller claims to be the IRS, telling intended victims they owe taxes and must pay using a pre-paid debit card or wire transfer. The caller often threatens the victim with arrest, deportation, or suspension of a business or driver’s license. In many cases, the caller becomes hostile and insulting. The callers who commit this fraud often:

  • Use common names and fake IRS badge numbers.
  • Know the last four digits of the victim’s Social Security number.
  • Make caller ID information appear as if the IRS is calling.
  • Call a second time claiming to be the police or department of motor vehicles. The caller ID again appears to support their claim.

Be Wary
Note that the IRS usually first contacts people by mail, not by phone, about
Unpaid taxes. The IRS will not ask for payment using a pre-paid debit card or wire transfer. The IRS also will not ask for a credit card number over the phone.

What to DO
Individuals receiving a call from someone who claims to be with the IRS asking for a payment should follow these guidelines:
・If they owe, or think they might owe federal taxes, they should hang up and
Call the IRS at 800-829-1040. IRS workers can help with payment questions.
・If they do not owe taxes, they should call and report the incident to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration at 800-366-4488.
・File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission at FTC.gov. Add “IRS Telephone Scam” to the comments in the complaint.

Fake E-mails
The IRS has also warned individuals of bogus IRS e-mails that scammers send
To support the bogus calls. The IRS will never request or financial information by e-mail, texting, or any social media. Indivisuals should forward scam e-mails to phishing@irs.gov and refrain from opening any attachments or clicking on any links in those e-mails.

          The Department echoes the IRS’s urging that all individuals be vigilant against
the many different types of tax scams. The common goal of these scams is to steal
one’s money and possibly steal one’s identity. More information about tax scams is
available at IRS.gov.





(c) Consulate General of Japan in Honolulu
1742 Nuuanu Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96817 USA
Tel: 808-543-3111